I have had Old English Sheepdogs for over 40 years. I am just an owner who has loved the breed forever and I like being able to share that love of OES with others. I am a hobby breeder that enjoys having a couple of litters of Old English Sheepdog puppies a year to love and play with. Normally we have a litter in the spring and fall. There is nothing better than getting puppy love and watching those little wiggle butts play. I take great pride in the puppies we have for adoption. They are an important part of our family. I always tell everyone that gets one of our puppies "this is your new puppy but it will always be my puppy". I feel that I have made the choice to breed my OES and with that choice comes responsibility. If for any reason the family that has adopted one of my puppies can not take care of it at any time in it's life then I will take the puppy/dog back and take care of it or find it a new home before the transition has to take place. I just want my Old English Sheepdog puppies to have the best life they can possibly have and I will happily do my part in making that possible. We have Carolina Shores OES puppies that now live in not only North Carolina, but also in Virginia, Washington, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Washington, Oregon, and California. We hope to add new families from Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alaska, and Hawaii in the future to our Carolina Shores OES puppies family!
All of our adult dogs are AKC registered. and have been
DNA Health Tested through Wisdom Panel. The dna test for 210 genetic health conditions and over 35 physical traits.
Old English Sheepdogs are great family dogs. They love being with their family and being a part of everything that you are doing. They are very smart dogs and deserve the training needed to be the absolute best family member possible. I can't imagine having a home without them. They add a lot of love and humor to our lives. Old English Sheepdogs have no idea they are dogs. They just think they are hairy children. If you are looking for a new family member that will give you all the love, laughter, and loyalty anyone could ever want then you are looking for an Old English Sheepdog. Old English Sheepdogs are also very good livestock guardians, therapy dogs, and service dogs. If you are willing to get your Old English Sheepdog Puppy trained for any of these jobs they are up for the task.
We have rescued & rehomed many Old English Sheepdogs over the years. I am happy to say that we always found a great loving home for each and every one of them. If you know of an OES that needs to be rescued or rehomed please contact us or your nearest OES rescue group. They all need loving homes that can properly train and care for them.
If you are looking for an OES that is older than a puppy, then please consider reaching out to us about getting an OES that has been rescued or needs to be rehomed.
We have a male and female 1 year old siblings available for adoption. They have always been together so we are trying to find them a home together if possible. They are very sweet dogs and are up to date on everything. They would love to have room to run and play. They get along with other dogs, walk well on leash, potty trained, and know some basic commands.There is a small adoption fee. The picture is a few months old. Jack will be about 85 lbs and Joy will be about 70 lbs.
Niko has brown eyes with black on the left side of his face and left ear. He is the smallest male.
Noah has brown eyes with black on the left side of his face and partial black on both ears. He also has a black dot on the top of his head with a white streak at the top of his back. He is the largest male.
Boo has a litter of 10 puppies, 4 beautiful females and 6 beautiful males,
born on Friday, August 16, 2024.
Countdown to when Boo's litter will be ready for their new homes, October 11, 2024.
We are now taking deposits for our fall litters.
Babs is the smallest girl. She has brown eyes and a black patch around her left eye. She will be about 75 lbs.
Beth is a good size girl with brown eyes. She has black around both eyes and on both ears. She will be about 80 lbs.
Bitsy is a medium size girl with brown eyes. She has black around her left eye and ear. She has black on her right ear also. She will be about 80 lbs.
Boots is the largest girl. She has brown eyes with an all white head and face. She will be about 85 lbs.
Baker is one of the smaller boys. He has brown eyes and a little black around his left eye and a black left ear. He will be about 85 lbs.
Beau is a medium size boy. He has brown eyes with a right black ear. He will be about 85 lbs.
Biggs is a medium size boy with brown eyes. He has black around both eyes and ears with a white patch on his wiggle butt. He will be about 90 lbs.
Bogie is one of the medium size boys. He has a blue left eye and a brown right eye. He has a white head and face with a white streak across his wiggle butt. He will be about 90 lbs.
Burk is one of our larger boys. He has a white head and face with brown eyes. He will be about 95 lbs.
Byron is one of our larger boys. He has black on the left side of his face and ear with a partial black right ear. He has brown eyes and will be about 95 lbs.
Above is Tally, his father was a Grand Champion. He has a lite gray coat, brown eyes, and weighs 95 lbs.
Above is Winnie. Her mother is Boo and her father is Watson. She will breed with Tally only. She has a medium gray coat, brown eyes, and weighs 82 lbs.
Above is Boo. Here she is sporting her puppy cut coat for the spring and summer. She is one of my puppies from my Summer and Simon line. She has a medium dark coat, brown eyes, and weighs 85 lbs.
Above is Zoey. Her mother came from my Summer and Simon lines. In this picture she is four months old. She still has a medium dark coat, brown eyes, and weighs 85 lbs.
Above is Watson, he's mother was a Champion. He is sporting his summer cut in this picture. His coat is medium light gray, his right eye is brown, and his left eye is blue. He weighs 95 lbs.
Above is Faith. She is one of my smaller girls weighing 75 lbs. She has a medium gray coat and brown eyes..
Above is Hope. She is one of my puppies from my Summer and Simon line. She has a dark coat. This picture was taken after her last litter. She is smiling because she is a proud mom. She has brown eyes and weighs 90 lbs.
Above is Summer & Simon. Simon had Champion bloodlines on both sides. This pair are the ones that I started with to get this beautiful & healthy line. Summer was the best mom ever. Summer passed at 11 and Simon at almost 16. They truly loved each other. I still miss them!
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The puppies have their tails and dew claws removed at 2 days old. If you want a puppy with a tail you must pay for the puppy in full before they are born.
The puppies will have their first series of puppy shots at 6-7 weeks old. They will also be dewormed at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age.
Yes, the puppies come with a 6 month health guarantee which is included in the contract that must be signed at time of pickup. You can see a copy of the contract below.
The puppies start out eating Purina Tender & Crunchy Puppy Chow. It is easy to find in most grocery and pet stores. It is easy on their stomach.
Yes, puppies can either fly pet cargo or they can travel ground shipment for an extra fee. Pet Cargo is usually booked with American Airlines. This can be used throughout the continental US. Ground Shipment to your home is now being offered via Z & M Pet Transportation for the East Coast at this time. The ground transportation prices vary per location and how many other puppies are going in that direction. If you need more information on shipping please contact us.
I normally wait until the puppies are 3-4 weeks old before I post individual pictures of each one. Once those pictures are posted everyone will get to pick from those pictures in the order of deposits received.
I take deposits before breeding because that gives me an idea of whether we should have just one litter or two litters. That way I only supply what is needed.
Our health guarantee and contract is part of our adoption process. Please read the contract to the right. You will need to make a vet appointment for you puppy/dog to be seen within 72 hours from the time you pick up. You will be asked to sign two copies when you pick up your puppy/dog. Thank you!
Our puppies are adopted quickly, so reach out to reserve your furever friend or to ask any questions. All puppies are $2000.00 for pet registration.
($15.00 shipping)
This is a non-refundable deposit for an Old English Sheepdog puppy. Please do not make a deposit before contacting us first. (shipping fee is for PayPal processing)
($35.00 shipping)
This is a partial payment once a deposit has been made. (shipping fee is for PayPal processing) These are due by the time the puppies are 3 weeks and 6 weeks of age.
($62.00 shipping)
This is a full payment once a deposit has been made.(shipping fee is for PayPal processing) This is due in full by the time the puppies are 3 weeks old if you are only making one payment.
($12.00 shipping)
This is a shipping fee. (additional shipping fee is for PayPal processing)
We purchased a small farm in December 2009. Started the building process in April 2016 and moved in February 2017. We are located just 15 minutes north of Raleigh in Wake Forest, North Carolina.
Lots of room to run and play.
Farm before starting the house.
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